Monday, August 23, 2010

para lucia con amor

las palabras son una cosa divertida
la mayor parte del tiempo que pueden ser tan poderoso
pero a veces incluso un escritor debe abstenerse
para algunas cosas no se pueden poner en palabras
incluso los mejores que tenemos a nuestra disposición y
se entregarán la belleza que tenemos ante nosotros

the suburbs

i like poetry
because there aren't
any rules to it
at least not in these poems anyways
i've never been good at following rules
here, it's just me and rows of keys
and lack of sleep
and fears and dreams
here, its just me struggling
to get through
each and every day
without a wink of sleep
poetry happens within the cracks
while the rest of you lay dormant

Monday, August 16, 2010

i was in the virgin Islands once. i met a girl. we ate lobster, drank piña coladas. at sunset, we made love like sea otters

what's new?

she asks in italics
nothing really, i say
work. play. repeat.
it's like groundhog day
only i'm no bill murray
and there's less going on here
than in punxsutawney
that and harold ramis
isn't even jewish anymore
it's not even february 2nd
for christ's sake
and there never was a damn andie
just a photocopied piece of paper
that implied her
stuck to a trailer door