Saturday, February 11, 2012

when it rains, it pokes holes in me with knives

when it rains
it really does pour
i spent the night with friends
of the very highest calibre
they know that i'm down and out
and they do everything they can
to put a smile on my face
god bless their hearts
i woke up in their guest bedroom
to the smell of fresh coffee
and requests for swiss chalet
hangover remedies to be delivered
we watched a comedy together
and even i managed to laugh some
god bless their massive hearts
always weary to not overstay my welcome
i thanked them and headed to the subway
when i reached my apartment
and put the key in the lock
a profound sadness came over me
i felt overwhelmingly alone
none of my roommates were home
but the backdoor was wide open
there was snow covering the kitchen floor
the house was so cold that i could see my breath
the kitchen faucet had an icicle hanging from it
i wrapped a blanket around my body
and sat down on my bed to read my email
the girl that i love more than life itself
had written to tell me that she didn't want to hear from me
i cried until there were icicles beneath my eyes
now i'm just laying on my bed and waiting
and willing the roof to cave in on me
but i know it'll most likely just spring a leak

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