Thursday, September 17, 2009

the dresden fluorescence

seated at my desk in this hole in the ground of an office
whoring-out my powers of persuasion for a comical commission
down here where money is everything: its 1945 in wintered dresden
still virtually untouched by world war II, but battered by the 2009 recession
a safe haven for refugees, men, women, p.o.w.'s & salesmen
today, we're stuffing bodies into royal alexandra's orchestra section
but under these god awful fluorescent light fixtures:
it's starting to feel like its february 13th, 1945 in unassuming dresden
the british royal air force and the united states army air force are soaring overhead
their heavy bombers are dropping 8,000lbs of high explosives, 650,000 incendiary devices
and on me: a million photons falling from the fixtures
of course, it's a ridiculous and shameful analogy: i'm the first to concede it
but salesmen under such inhumane lighting circumstances :
are bound to make up such crazy comparisons
a disputed number of thousands lost their lives on that shameful day in firebombed dresden
tonight i'm only going home with a headache and no commission
i'm sorry that i even conceived of this one

1 comment:

  1. because i couldn't agree more most days, i'm putting a filter up for you (and everyone) this week --unless you object.
